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Back to his second home

Updated: 2016-06-13 08:20:41

( China Daily )

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[Photo provided to China Daily]

"Every time my producer, Sergey Pudovkin, tells me 'Get ready Vitas; we are going to China', my heart begins to beat faster. I want to prepare for the trip as quickly as possible."

In November, he will return to China with some new material mixing classical, rock and heavy metal.

In his decade of performing in China, he has teamed up with Chinese composers and singers, and has sung such Chinese songs as Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Jasmine Flower.

He is practicing hard now so that he can sing in Chinese during his upcoming tour.

"The Chinese and Russian people are very close to each other. And we have done so much for each other in the past centuries," he says.

"I am glad that I have the opportunity to perform in front of millions of Chinese fans and will do everything to strengthen cooperation."

He was born in Odessa, "a sunny and bright city near the Black Sea".

"When I was a little boy, I used to go to the shore and look at the tides. It made me happy, and allowed me to dream about music on big stages and a big concert."

When he performs in China, he always tries to visit Qingdao, Shandong province.

"It reminds me of my hometown. There are beautiful waves, a very beautiful sea and a very bright horizon in Qingdao," he says.

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