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Photo exhibition held in Pakistan to celebrate anniversary of diplomatic ties

Updated: 2016-06-02 15:13:33

( Chinaculture.org )

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Ambassador Sun Weidong delivers a speech at the reception at the reception for celebrating the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan on May 24. [Photo/culturalink.gov.cn]

Hussain said the friendship between Pakistan and China has stood the test of international storms and has been rooted in the hearts of Pakistanis and Chinese. “Our friendship has set a unique example for other countries,” he said.

“Our all-weather friendship has come to the level of an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, which not only lays the foundation for the stability of our relationship but also will benefit human welfare,” Hussain said. “The genuine friendship will pass from generation to generation and will contribute to the peace, stability, prosperity and development of the world.”

Sun and Hussain together cut the celebration cake and watched a Chinese traditional lion dance and Pakistani national dance.

At the reception, many pictures commemorating the 65th anniversary of the two countries’ friendship were displayed. They were staged by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of China’s Culture Ministry.

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