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China and the Czech Republic: a timetable of friendship

Updated: 2016-03-28 10:33:04

( Chinaculture.org )

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Poster Panda and Little Mole, the animated series jointly produced by China and the Czech Republic. [Photo/cctv.com]

Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to the Czech Republic from Monday to Wednesday at the invitation of Czech Republic President Milos Zeman. The connection between China and the Czech Republic dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) through commerce on the Silk Road.

Cultural exchanges between the two nations officially began in the 1950s. Despite ups and downs in the 1960-70s, relations between the two countries have been developing in a healthy way since the 1980s.

1946: Chinese course in the Czech Republic

Palacky University became the first college in what was then Czechoslovakia to offer Chinese courses in 1946.

1952-1953: Cultural cooperation agreement

China and Czechoslovakia signed an agreement on cultural cooperation in 1952. And in March 1957, the two countries signed the second cultural cooperation agreement.

1954: Czechoslovakia course in China

Beijing Foreign Studies University set Czech courses in 1954 and started to recruit master students in the Czech language in 1991.

1980s: Cultural exchange revival

The cultural exchange revived in the 1980s and dozens of agreements concerning culture, arts, sports and press were signed between the two nations.

1996: Cultural cooperation agreement for 1997-1999

In November 1996, the cultural ministers of the two countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation for 1997-1999.

1999: The Czech Republic film exhibition

A large-scale Czech Republic film exhibition was staged in China, under the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China (SARFT).

2000: Cultural cooperation agreement for 2000-2002

The cultural ministries of the two countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation for 2000-2002. The agreement included seven programs, including exchanging talents of literature, art, press and film, cultural relic protection, safeguarding knowledge and copyrights. The agreement marked the beginning of a deeper and more comprehensive cultural exchange and cooperation between the two nations.

2001: the 21st World University Games in Beijing

In August 2001, a delegation from the Czech Republic participated in the 21st World University Games in Beijing.

2002: Exhibitions in the Czech Republic

A series of exhibitions featuring traditional Suzhou handicraft works, world cultural heritage in China, Peking opera and China's archaeology and bronze ware was held in the Czech Republic.

2003: Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games' visit

A delegation of the Beijing Committee for the Olympic Games visited the Czech Republic and attended the meeting of the International Olympic Committee.

2004: Chinese dance opera in The Czech Republic

Artists from Fujian province staged the dance opera, Song of Everlasting Regret, in the Czech Republic in the fall of 2004.

2005: Agreement on holding exhibitions and film week

Cultural ministers from China and the Czech Republic signed an agreement to hold an exhibition on Chinese silk culture and a Chinese film week in the Czech Republic in 2006.

2006: An exhibition of Chinese silk culture and Chinese film week

In 2006, an exhibition of Chinese silk culture and a Chinese film week were successfully held in the Czech Republic.

2007: Confucius Institute in the Czech Republic

The Confucius Institute in the Czech Republic was established at Palacky University on Sept 26, 2007. The institute offers courses on Chinese language, Chinese calligraphy, and weekend and summer classes. And it is the only school to hold Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) – China's only standard examination of the Chinese language for non-native speakers.

In 2009, the Institute held about 20 cultural lectures, translation competitions and film shows. And it organizes Chinese Culture Month each autumn, which narrows the distance between Chinese culture and the locals.

2008: Cultural cooperation agreement for 2007-2011

The cultural ministries of the two countries signed an agreement on cultural cooperation for 2007-2011.

2009: A series of cultural events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Czech Republic diplomatic relations

2009 was the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic ties establishment between the two nations. The China Cultural Festival was held in October in the Czech Republic, featuring dances, exhibitions and shadow puppetry shows. An exhibition, Zdenek Sklenar's China, was held in Beijing.

Since 2009, "Happy Chinese New Year", a worldwide celebration hosted by the Ministry of Culture and other Chinese authorities, has engaged both overseas Chinese and citizens all over the world. "Happy Chinese New Year" in 2015 held over 800 programs in more than 320 cities in 118 countries and regions.

A series of "Happy Chinese New Year" events have been successfully staged in the Czech Republic.

2010: The launch of "Embassyart"

The Czech Republic Embassy in China launched a cultural event, "Embassyart", from 2010 to 2013. The event aimed to promote the mutual communication and enhance cultural relations between the two nations.

2012: "Dialogue with Chinese Culture"

A series of cultural events titled "Dialogue with Chinese Culture" was launched in the Czech Republic on Feb 29, 2012. The activities included lectures on Chinese history, arts and tourism. Exhibitions of painting and calligraphy and folk crafts were also featured.

2014: Czech Film Week in Beijing

The opening ceremony of the Czech Republic film week was held in Beijing on Nov 24, 2014. The event was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic ties between China and the Czech Republic.

2015: The Last Visa and Panda and Little Mole

In 2015, China and the Czech Republic jointly produced two TV series, Panda and Little Mole and The Last Visa, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War. Chinese Vice-Premier Liu Yandong visited the Czech Republic and watched Panda and Little Mole with children from both countries.

2015: Agreement on the film exchange and cooperation

An agreement on the film exchange and cooperation between China and the Czech Republic was signed by SARFT and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The agreement noted future cooperation on film exhibitions and enhanced exchange on film productions.

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