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Director Zhang Yimou co-founds VR brand

Updated: 2016-03-28 10:09:22


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Chinese film director Zhang Yimou has taken his first steps into the world of virtual reality technology.

On March 26, he announced a collaboration with Danghong Qitian, a company specializing in VR-related entertainment ecology, to create a new brand called SoReal in Beijing.

SoReal plans to provide off-line interactive games, integrating users with both a virtual world and reality. Gamers will be able to hear, see, touch and walk in the multi-dimension space created by SoReal.

Zhang said he was very sensitive to visual effects and new technology, and had been impressed by the technological ability of Danghong Qitian.

He said many directors were now attempting to produce VR films, and that he also hoped to have a go someday, with the technology set to change everyday life.

Zhang will release his latest film, The Great Wall, at the end of this year. It's not clear yet whether he will make a VR trailer for it, as this will be his first work since entering the field.

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