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Vanishing traditional weaving revived in Tibet

Updated: 2015-11-28 14:27:03

( Xinhua )

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Tsethang serge, considered the finest of all Tibetan traditional fabrics, has reemerged decades after disappearing from the market. [Photo/Xzsnw.com]

More and more Tibetans have began travelling from Lhasa for tailored traditional clothing made from Tsethang serge. Orders are also coming from other parts of China as tourists talk of a kind of Tibetan fabric that is "cool in summer, warm in winter".

A traditional Tibetan outfit made of Tsethang serge now fetches 13,000 yuan (about 2,033 U.S. dollars). A Tsethang serge scarf costs about 1,300 yuan.

Tsethang serge is bringing much-needed income to the remote area.

"I can earn 3,500 yuan a month. It's a very handsome pay for me," says weaver Dawa Tashi, whose legs are paralyzed, but has the delicate touch to create the valuable fabric. Many of the weavers are from low-income families.

Pasang's workshop is expected to earn 2.1 million yuan in sales and 420,000 yuan in profit. It employs 72 weavers. Another 60 weavers are working at home in three counties. Pasang wants to expand, not by buying machines but by training more people on the art of Tsethang serge.

Tsethang serge's value lies in tradition and craftsmanship. "More importantly, it proves anyone with a skill can make a decent living," he said.

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