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Films -- China-Italy Connection

Updated: 2015-10-19 15:36:25

( China Today )

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A Bridge between China and Italy

"I can assure you that many filmmaking companies in Europe and the U.S. will come to China to seek partners. I believe this is the future, so we should push forward now," Bradanini said.

Describing the cinema co-production agreement between Italy and China, Bradanini said, "To my knowledge, a host of filmmaking teams have started shooting and producing films in China and Italy already."

"I hope the two countries communicate and cooperate more in the film industry. Italians hope to watch films about China, and I hope people in China are interested in our country as well." Bradanini went on, "The film industry can serve as a bridge, helping people in China and Italy learn about one another. It’s not just about films, but also about culture in general." He believes it is a good thing "in the sense that everyone would be attracted to participate, which then would generate a synergistic effect in other fields. China is a big country with a huge market."

Undoubtedly, communication between Italy and China in the film industry establishes a platform for continuous cultural exchange, which will boost the development of bilateral political and trade relations.

"China has become the focus of the world, as it plays a significant role in the world economy. Meanwhile, the country is gaining increasing political importance. It appears to me that China has the ability to promote more cooperation among different countries," Bradinini concluded.

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