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US facility dedicated to ancient Chinese relics

Updated: 2015-10-09 13:37:33

( CCTV.com )

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Chinese-American philanthropist Oscar Tang, who donated five million dollars to the center,attends the opening ceremony. [Photo/CCTV.com]

China's rapid development has led to lots of construction and the unearthing of countless artifacts.

The Tang Center, which is housed here at Columbia University, will be bringing some of those discoveries to the west by hosting Chinese archaeologists and academics who will be invited to speak about their latest findings at an annual symposium.

The center will also offer grants and scholarships and organize events for the public.

While the center may be looking at the past, Tang says much of that era is still relevant today.

"I think there's a conception that China's current development comes out of the blue, and that couldn't be further from the truth. Chinese values, Confucian values for example - continue within the society," Tang said.

During the Cultural Revolution, much of China's past relics were destroyed, but it appears now is their time to shine once again.


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