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Love in the time of war

Updated: 2015-09-02 18:43:04

( chinadaily.com.cn )

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A photo of Feng Zhongyun and Xue Wen is owned by their son, Feng Songguang. [Photo by He Keyao/chinadaily.com.cn]

Separation in danger

Xue Wen joined the Communist Party after their marriage and the couple worked together on the Party's underground activities. However, the good days didn't last long.

In 1931, Japan began its war of aggression against China, putting the whole northeastern area of the country in danger. The Communist Party declared it would fight against Japan. In 1932, many Party members were arrested, and Feng Zhongyun and Xue Wen were put on a wanted list after their identities were revealed.

During these years of turmoil, the couple moved from place to place, yet never stopped working for the Party. Xue Wen gave birth to their oldest children in 1932 and 1934.

Right after his son was born, Feng Zhongyun was dispatched to the partisan troops to fight the Japanese. His wife, Xue, with two children who needed to be taken care of, had to go back to her hometown for their children's safety.

The moment of separation came, unavoidably.

"There will be three possibilities for our separation," Feng Zhongyun said. "First, we can meet again soon after arranging the children's safely and come back; second, we may never be able to meet each other until we fight those Japanese out of our country. It may take 10 to 15 years; third, this may be a farewell forever."

Xue Wen's tears and those of their two-year-old daughter's wetted their faces.

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