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The Earliest Christianity Sect in China

Updated: 2014-12-01 14:08:10

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Nestorianism, Jingjiao in Chinese, was introduced to China as early as in the 7thcentury. This sect stuck to the respective wholeness of Jesus' human nature and divine nature, and therefore it was regarded heretic in 431. But the sect enjoyed tremendous popularity in the Persian region and spread to many regions of Central Asia. In 635, Olopen, the Syrian bishop of the sect, arrived at Chang'an, the capital of China in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). He was warmly welcomed by the Chinese emperor and was invited to live in Chang'an to translate the Bible. Three years later, he was allowed to propagandize Christianity and received financial support. The emperor at that time built a church for him. From then on, China entered the first Christianity dissemination period that lasted for more than 200 years.

Several emperors after the 7thcentury implemented favorable policies on Nestorianism. Nestorian churches were built nearly in all provinces and there were many Nestorians in China. But the development of Nestorianism in China affected other religions. Buddhism and Taoism frequently attacked Nestorianism. In 845, Tang Emperor Wuzong decided to take strong measures against Buddhism.And at that time, the Tang government had lost its tolerance to foreign cultures. As a result, Nestorianism and other foreign religions experienced destructive blows. According to a document written in 980, there was only one Nestorian in China. From then on, Christianity disappeared in China for hundreds of years.

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