Pre-ceremony for "Belt and Road" youth exchange program held in Bangkok

WACCCE 2019-10-15

Yang Yang, political counselor of the Chinese embassy in Thailand, presented the flag to representatives of the "Belt and Road" exchange group of Thai teenagers in 2019

The pre-trip ceremony for "The Belt and Road" Thailand youth exchange program was held in Bangkok by the Chinese embassy in Thailand on Aug 28. More than 50 senior high school students from nine schools in Thailand were selected to visit China.

Yang Yang, political counselor of the Chinese embassy in Thailand, attended the ceremony and gave a speech. She expressed her goodwill for the exchange program, which aims to provide more opportunities for mutual understanding between young people of China and Thailand and open the door for Thai students to explore and understand China. As the People’s Republic of China recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, the students will witness the prosperity of China and the great achievements it has made. She also said teenagers were the hope and future of the friendship between China and Thailand. This program will deepen the relationship between the two countries.

At the ceremony, students and teachers who participated in the program shared experiences from their visit to China, while members of this year’s program expressed their expectations for the trip. The new members showed great interest in the history, culture and development of the economy and society of China. They are also eager to enrich their understanding of China and looking forward to the exchange between the two countries.

The Chinese embassy in Thailand initiated the "Belt and Road" exchange program for Thai youth in 2017. Since its establishment, the program has organized four groups of outstanding students from well-known Thai schools to visit China.

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