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Santa sends best wishes in outbreak fight from Arctic Circle

Updated: 2020-03-02 09:38:47

( Chinaculture.org )

Santa Claus has sent his greetings — a little bit early — to his friends in China fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak.

The jolly old man, loved by children around the world, sat alongside Esko Lotvonen, mayor of Rovaniemi, and Sanna Karkkainen, managing director of Visit Rovaniemi from the official hometown of Santa Claus on the Arctic Circle in Lapland, to send their best wishes to China.

"We live on the other side of the world, but through our hearts, we are together with you," said Santa.

"Personally and on behalf of the city of Rovaniemi, I would like to express my support and sympathy for China, especially for those who have been infected with coronavirus. Things will get better for sure, and we (will) meet again," Lotvonen said.

"We understand the struggle and would like to offer the best possible support and assistance in this challenging time," Karkkainen said.

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