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Globetrotting senior Chinese draws journey

Updated: 2017-02-10 10:34:22

( chinadaily.com.cn )

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A world map by Chen Zuchang. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Most tourists take photos of scenic spots to remember their travels around the world, but not 77-year-old Chen Zuchang. He has drawn over 100 pictures of the cities and countries he has visited in recent years.

The retired engineer and his wife Luo Xiansui, also 77, from Southwest China's Chongqing, love to travel. In 2015, the couple joined an 86-day cruise around the globe, covering 18 regions and countries in the Northern Hemisphere. It cost them each 148,000 yuan ($21,000).

Last November, they took part in a 46-day cruise in the South Pacific, visiting 11 regions and countries.

Before the trips, Chen would do a lot of research about the destinations and draw draft sketches of the famous spots they planned to visit.

"I made preparations for a year before the global tour," he said.

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