Contrasts on a modern street in Canton
Here we have a street scene in Canton, a city with a million Chinese inhabitants, and one of the most interesting cities in southern China. Wide, well-paved streets, bordered with tall buildings are not typically Chinese, for the typical Chinese building is usually a low, one-story affair. More like an arcaded street in Spain or Italy is this Canton street, the sidewalks are built under the upper stories and the arched facades and balconies look like those generally found in subtropical countries.
In most of the cities automobiles can be operated on only a few of the streets because the streets of the old Chinese cities are too narrow to allow even the entrance of one car.
[Photo provided to China Daily/Keystone View Company]
Editor's note: Captions of the photographs are taken from the original stereographic photos they describe.
The Chinese embassy in Washington received a special gift from a retired US Foreign Service officer on Feb 19.
It was a set of 24 photos taken in 1930s China and given by Richard Garrison of Arlington, Virginia to Wu Xi, deputy chief of mission of the Chinese embassy.
The photos, which cover street life and scenes in major Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao, were left by his mother, Stella Garrison, who passed away more than 10 years ago.