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China and U.S. paint each other

Updated: 2015-08-17 16:17:11

( Chinaculture.org )

Paintings by John Salminen (L) and Zhu Yuanzhi (R) [Photo/people.com.cn, artron.net]

John Salminen, born 1945, is an American watercolor painter who is well known for his realistic urban landscapes. He has won more than 230 major awards in national and international exhibitions.

John is also an honorary member of the Jiangsu Watercolor Research Institute in China. He has depicted the daily urban scenery when he travelled to China, gathering inspiration for paintings.

In the meantime, there are several famous Chinese painters who travelled or studied abroad in the U.S and depicted that country too. What will it be like when American-style China meets Chinese-style U.S? Let’s take a look at it.

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