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Book about history of Chinese diaspora in Russia's Far East released

Updated: 2015-07-08 16:42:42

( Xinhua )

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A photo shows the Chinese people in Vladivostok in 1899. [Photo/Ifeng.com]

A book describing Chinese diaspora's way of life in Russia's Far East from 1870 to 1938 was released here Tuesday.

The account, titled "Chinese Diaspora Living in Vladivostok: Pages of History" records the experiences of Chinese builders and traders in the regional capital of Primorye during those seven decades.

The authors, Dmitry Ancha and Nelly Miz, are well-known local historians and researchers and worked for many years on the book, which contains rare archival photographs and documents.

"The chapter which details the history of the Chinese Lenin School that existed between 1933 and 1938 would definitely draw the greatest interest," Ancha told Xinhua, noting that information about this school has not been published before.

"It was an official training school that taught both academic courses and practical underground political technique which developed reliable cadres," he added.

The book was first published in Moscow in a limited edition. Its publication in Vladivostok is for locals to have easier access to the book.

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