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Spring Festival reception held in Tel Aviv

Updated: 2020-01-22 16:07:01

( Chinaculture.org )

Hubei Wudang Martial Arts Troupe performs onstage during the reception in Tel Aviv. [Photo by Mao Li for Chinaculture.org]

The Chinese Embassy in Israel recently hosted a 2020 Spring Festival reception in Tel Aviv. Dai Yuming, Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy, gave a speech, as did representatives from Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese students. Hubei Wudang Martial Arts Troupe put on a performance for the audience afterward.

Dai briefly reviewed China's past development and the progress of China-Israel relations in 2019, including political mutual trust, bilateral trade, people-to-people exchanges and cultural communication. He looked forward to witnessing more impressive progress in 2020.

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