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Board meeting

Updated: 2018-09-26 07:48:48

( China Daily )

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A board game with beautiful details and accessories. [PHOTO BY XU LIN/CHINA DAILY]

Wang has spent about 30,000 yuan ($4,376) on board games, and owns over a hundred sets. Sometimes, after playing them for a period, he sells the games to other enthusiasts. Also it's not uncommon for those within the community to exchange games.

"There is such a great variety of board games that you will eventually find the one that suits your character. Whether you like making calculations or have a vivid imagination, there's a suitable game out there for you."

Some board games have complicated rules, and may scare away the uninitiated.

"It's about peer education. Ease gamers into simple games first and build up to the more complex ones, with the guidance of a veteran gamer. You have to play different games seven or eight times until you become a real gamer."

He also says that board games are able to sift out gamers. Those who have the patience to listen to the rules for half an hour, have the potential to become good gamers.

"The biggest challenge is to find time," he says.

Wang jokes that due to the fast pace of life in big cities, those who squeeze in time to dine with each other are called "true friends"-imagine trying to assemble five or six people who are willing to play board games for half a day.

In small cities, however, the problem is that there are fewer people who share the same hobby.

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