上承仰韶,下启殷商,大汶口的彩陶和龙山的黑陶,都是华夏古代文明的象征和标志。 就在大汶口与龙山之间的济南华山脚下,有一个十分特殊的村落――东方陶艺村。在这里聚集着六位从小失聪的聋哑孩子,这些孩子从小就热爱生活,酷爱艺术。尽管在坎坷不平的路途中不时遇到各种风雨和磨难,但他们没有自暴自弃,而是用他们的智慧和真诚,以惊人的毅力,用泥土和窑火,在无声的世界里创造了一个个有形有色的艺术世界! 尽管这些孩子的作品无法与那些陶艺大师的作品相比,但我却从他们一件件的作品中看到一种与生命抗争和自强不息的精神!他们原本就没有与常人在同一起跑线上,所以我们也就不能用同一个标准去衡量和评价他们的作品,因为他们从小就失去了人的两大基本生存功能――听与说,也就是说失去了接受与表达的功能。他们用双手创造的一件件陶艺作品,是他们对生活、对艺术、对世界认识的最完美表达!
They can not hear, yet their hands make cold clay resonate with life.
They can not talk, yet their creations speak to the listening soul.
The six young artists are deaf and mute - most developed the condition in early childhood, the others were born with it � and now live in a world of total silence. But as they mold their mounds of clay, their spirits cry out, turning every sculpture into an incarnation of humor, simplicity and love.
Their workshop, called the "Oriental Pottery Village," is located between Dawenkou and Longshan, China's two most famous towns for pottery making with histories in the craft dating back 4,000 years. Who knows what mystical messages from the past have inspired the young artists, or what legacy their own works will leave?
These sculptures are not meant to be judged from a technical perspective only; a thoughtful audience will interpret their meaning in many ways. Imagine you are sitting with these remarkable youth and their creations, soundlessly absorbing their beauty. The experience will be unforgettable.