The birth of written languages marks the dawn of human civilization.
The invention of Chinese Script represents the wisdom of the Chinese nation. Welcome to the exhibition of Chinese Script. These intriguing characters, uniquely square in shape, have been used to denote objects and meanings for thousands of years around the globe. It is one of the oldest written languages in the world and the only ancient language still in use today �the Chinese script, the mother and the carrier of the Chinese civilization, bond among all the Chinese people, and the bridge between China and other nations. The inscription of Chinese characters on oracle bones has left a precious legacy and propelled the world's history. Today, the integration of Chinese characters with computer bytes will further promote this process and lead to new advances for humanity.
Chinese Script: awaiting your exploration.
汉字展装箱清单: 英语1、英语2、英语3、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、俄语