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Ruins of Yuanmingyuan Garden
( 2008-07-08 )

The Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Garden of Perfection and Brightness, is located northwest of Beijing and to the east of the Summer Palace. The Garden was first constructed in the year of 1709 during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Over the next 150 years of the Qing Dynasty, this Garden was expanded to be a large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden, covering a total area of 350 hectares (over 864 acres). It was destroyed by British and French troops in the late 19th century. It is now deserted.

The Garden originally had a great lake in the middle of it, and it was surrounded by Nine Islets. Various temples and pavilions are scattered around the islets. Artisans have borrowed various sights from all over the country, including garden architecture from Suzhou, mountain scenery from Huangshan and the temple and monastery buildings as well. So be prepared to do some walking and feast your eyes on all of this distinctive architecture.

The islets can be mainly divided into three gardens: the western section - Yuanmingyuan (the Garden of Perfection and Brightness), the southern Changchunyuan (the Garden of Eternal Spring) and the eastern Wanchunyuan (the Garden of Eternal Spring). You will find the European Garden with its Great Fountain Ruins in Changchunyuan (the Garden of Eternal Spring). It is considered the only and best-preserved relic in the palace.

Yuanmingyuan Garden is the largest one of the three gardens boasting 48 scenic spots, which are further divided into smaller areas. Constructions inside the garden include the Zhengda Guangming Hall where emperors handled political affairs; Jiuzhou Qingyan Hall where the imperial family dined; Anyou Palace where sacrificial ceremonies were held; Wenyuan Pavilion where books were stored; and Broken Bridge, Fallen Snow, a scenic spot imitating the style of the West Lake. Also kept in the garden is a large number of books, calligraphies and paintings, and treasures.

Hundreds of scenic spots in the Garden are made up of exquisitely constructed halls, pavilions, chambers, kiosks, earth and rock hills, rivers and ponds, and exotic flowers and grasses from different parts of the country. Indeed, it embodies the essence of Chinese ancient landscape gardening.

Emperors and empresses of the late Qing lived a luxurious life at the palace, spending money excessively. In the 10th year (1860) of Emperor Xianfeng, the English and French armies invaded Beijing and burned the palace to the ground. The remaining carved stone columns are a reminder of the crimes committed by imperialist powers.

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