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Dongba culture explored in class

2013-11-12 14:53:32



Students learn to draw Dongba paintings in class and dress in unique Dongba attire, in Lijiang city, Yunnan province, November 7, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]

Dongba culture belongs to the Naxi ethnic group. Dongba, literally meaning "wise man," is the main heir of Dongba culture, an intellectual with wide knowledge covering fields like music, dance, classics, writing, history, painting, and medicine.

The diversified Dongba culture consists of its people, rites, characters, scriptures, paintings, and dance. Now the Dongba culture has been well protected and inherited in Lijiang of Yunnan, which is its birthplace.

The local government has formulated preservation measures and textbooks on Dongba culture are also compiled for students in local schools. Local students get the chance to learn Dongba pictographs, music, dance, and customs.

For example, Huangshanwan Primary School in Lijiang since 1999 has offered a special course twice a week on the Dongba culture. Specialists and scholars are invited to the class to give students lessons.

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