刮 痧



导 演:郑晓龙

摄 影:黄岳泰

主 演:梁家辉、蒋雯丽、朱旭、朱小潜

北京紫禁城影业有限责任公司、华谊兄弟太合影视投资公司、北京电视艺术中心 2000年 联合摄制

中外文化交流中心 译制

Gua Sha-the Treatment

After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese immigrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer. With his promising career and loving family, he feels he has become a true American. Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis. Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong. The Treatment is a moving portrayal of the enormous gulfs between cultures and their possible repercussions.

Duration: 100 minutes

Director: Zheng Shaolong

Director of Photography: Huang Yuetai

Starring: Tony Liang(Jiahui) Jiang Wenli Zhu Xu Zhu Xiaoqian

Co-produced by Beijing Forbidden City Film Co., Ltd. & Huayi Xiongdi Taihe Film Investment Co. in 2000

Subtitled by Center of International Cultural Exchange

中文 英语 法语 西班牙语 阿拉伯语 俄语  德语 意大利语 日语 葡萄牙语
