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Palace Museum porcelain broken


Damage List

In the processes of keeping, testing and exhibiting cultural relics, damage inflicted upon the items by the people who take care of them is not a unique occurance. These kinds of incidents happen in many museums. According to incomplete statistics released by Chinese media, seven rare national cultural relics have been damaged in recent years. Here is a list.





Damage Status

July, 2011

Celadon Plate with a Mouth in the Shape of Mallow Petals

grade-one cultural relic

Palace Museum

Crushed into pieces due to human error during the operation.

May, 2009

Two Stone Lions from the Yuan Dynasty

grade-three cultural relic

The Temple of Double Fairies

Had no safeguard when moving; broke at the waist.

May, 2008

Painting: The Xiao and Xiang Rivers

grade-one cultural relic

Palace Museum

Became soaked when being exhibited.

Sep, 2007

Emperor Stick from the Han Dynasty

grade-one cultural relic

The Municipal Museum of Wuwei

Fell to the ground when depositing; cracked at the top.

July, 2007

Sitting Statue of Water-moon Avalokiteshvara from the Song Dynasty

grade-two cultural relic

The Ningxian Museum

The head portion was stolen.

Sep, 2006

Yellow-glazed box from the Han Dynasty

grade-two cultural relic

The Municipal Museum of Qingyang

Crushed when testing.

Feb, 2000

Bronze wares from the Warring States period

grade-one cultural relic

The Provincial Museum of Hubei

The showcasing collapsed and damaged two dings and two guis.

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