> Comic—Con

Haier Brothers

Haier Brothers, a pair of robots created by the Wizard, symbolized as wisdom and power, travel round the world to explore the myth of nature and find a solution to the human disaster.

It is very pop­u­lar with kids and even adults. It is inte­grated with enter­tain­ment, knowl­edge and inter­ests. Bei­jing Com­puter Cartoons-making Com­pany and the Haier Group spent ten years to make this excel­lent car­toon. As the best gift to present with the world future chil­dren, this car­toon fin­ished in 1995 and released in 1996.

The main plot of the car­toon cen­ters on a wis­dom old per­son and the Haier Broth­ers. To deal with the dis­as­ters and untie the nat­ural mir­a­cles, the Haier Broth­ers trav­els around the world, from North Amer­i­can to South Amer­i­can, pass­ing by south polar, Aus­tralia, Africa, Europe and Asia. Finally, they come back to their born place: Pacific Ocean.

The entire story is full of their adven­tures. It men­tions a lot of nat­ural mar­velous sights such as Mirage and Karst topog­ra­phy. This piece of plot is fluc­tu­a­tion and uncon­strained by space and time. More­over, it con­tains rich social sci­ences knowl­edge, nature, his­tory, geog­ra­phy, human­i­ties and enter­tain­ment. It is com­pletely dif­fer­ent from the import car­toons from Amer­i­can and Japan which always make weapon as the main topic.

Editor: Xu Xinlei

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