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  Chinese Way>Life

Luxury brand influenced by Chinese design elements

2014-09-24 10:37:07

( By Liu Xiongfei


"Shang Xia", furniture

Paris is one of the biggest city of France and known for it as a “city of love”. As well, in fashion industry because it attracted the designers and citizens when it comes withits way of style and designs that gives an amazing trend throughout the world. That’s why Paris is the claim of capital of fashion in the globe because of its well-knowndesigners that most of the people dream to buy their product of fashion statements. One of the famous designers that brings a great elements in the fashion industry is Herme’s. With its good quality of name which established in 1837 and was consideredas the leading in manufacturing of leather goods, accessories, perfumery, ready towear and luxury goods.With an outsourcing of trending fashion in the world, Hermes brings a chinese fashionwith new style and elements that something would be unforgettable when seeing itand to be wear.

According to Yicai, a Chinese financial of news website, Hermes planned a grand opening of Shang Xia, a Chinese luxury brand in September within the Paris at the Rue de Serves which a nearby store of Hermes was placed also. This Chinese brand that brought again in the French house has the potential to be tested inthe global fashion where socially people were meticulous when it comes to luxury goods and brands.

"Shang Xia" and Jiang Qionger

Founded in 2008, Shang Xia, which owned by Hermes a 75 percentof it, put a stores in Shanghai and Beijing that would be the key to Paris stores in thenext fives years for the development of the brand.Paris was first to planned before its opening in Shanghai, it was said by the CEO ofHermes, Patrick Thomas. Throughout the years, Hermes still believe that fashion cannever be forgotten because of its dynamic style that is embrace by the people wholikes a new era of designs and outfit to be worn.Behind this great ideas in a Luxurybrand of Shang Xia was Jiang Qionger, she said that Chinese culture in fashion mightunified the western styles through endorsements. Hermes never tell on how much itcost to invest with the brand and in returned of no profit. Still, the brand continue itplans to put a store in Paris.

Over the years of unweavering excellence by Hermes in the fashion industry with thebrand of Shang Xia, is the best experience that might get because of its versatile offerof fashion items like clothing, ornament jewelry, artworks, furniture and otherproducts with an the essentiality of Chinese culture and traditions. Shopping would bethe best because of its historical style with a combination of modern design that is afinest ele. As well, France might ban of using a sandalwood in making a furniture inwhich originally used in the past as home decor. In Shanghai, the store where ShangXia is also, the prominent for the people is the finest for them. With its architecture ofthe store like a cave with white color and a luxurious type of design which gives analluring appearance when seeing it. The Beijing store has its own Great Wall theme,

by its hospitable entrance, when people in both stores walks in, the shop assitantoffers and serve a tea in a white small porcelain cup in customers, then a shopassistant explains the history of the products antecedant and origin.Shang Xia’s price confirmed somewhat lower than Hermes because of its retailadvent. Jing said to Yicai ”We are not exactly a luxury brand, and we dont dofashion”. By her statement, “We try to marry the elegance of traditional life style withcontemporary city living.” This is somehow the affiramtion of Jiang Qionger forShang Xia brand.

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