


导 演:冯小刚

摄 影:张黎

主 演:张国立 刘蓓 徐帆 傅彪

 华谊兄弟广告有限公司、北京电影制片厂 2000年 联合摄制

中外文化交流中心 译制

A Sigh

While away from his home and family for several months to write a script, Liang Yazhou starts an affair with his young assistant, Li Xiaodan. Confused and conflicted, he ends up playing the roles of husband, father and lover at the same time. Because she is busy decorating their new house, his wife does not know what has happened. When she does discover Yazhou`s affair, she is determined to get a divorce. But their daughter makes a tearful plea for them not to shatter the family, and they comply by only separating. His wife is later hurt in an accident, and Yazhou returns to her side. They spend several days together, reviving their family and life, and Li Xiaodan disappears. Peace and harmony return to their family.

Duration: 115 minutes

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Director of Photography: zhang Li

Starring: Zhang Guoli Liu Pei Xu Fan Fu Biao

A joint production of Huayi Borthers Advertising Co., Ltd. & Beijing Film Production Studio in 2000

Subtitled by Center of International Cultural Exchange

中文 英语法语 西班牙语  阿拉伯语 俄语  德语 意大利语 日语 葡萄牙语
