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  Library>Culture ABC>Archeology> Archeological Findings before 1999
Tombs of Qin at Shuihudi and Longgang


Tombs of the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC)

Period: 3rdcentury BC

Location:Yunmeng County,HubeiProvince

Bamboo strips written with document of law: (up, length 23.8 cm-24.5 cm); Painted lacquer spoon with wooden body and in the shape of phoenix: kitchen utensil (bottom, height 13.3 cm); Flattened lacquer pot with colored painting of ox and horses: wine vessel or water vessel (in the background, height 22.8 cm)
Excavated in 1975

Significance: It has provided important materials for the study of politics, economy, culture and laws of the Qin Empire.


Tombs of Qin at Shuihudi are a group of graves from the end of the Warring State Period to the Qin Dynasty. By far, 12 Qin tombs at Shuihudi have been excavated, in which over 1,100 bamboo slips were discovered together with quite a few of brushes and ink-stones. By far, nine of the tombs of Qin at Longgang have been unearthed, together with 283 bamboo slips. TheLishu(official script) on the bamboo slips revealed the development process of Chinese calligraphy fromLishutoKaishu(regular script); besides, these bamboo slips recorded the laws and iatrology of the Qin Dynasty, which are of great academic value to historical research.

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