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The Eight Eccentric Painters of Yangzhou


AlcoholicZhong Kuiby Luo Pin

Luo Pin (1733-1799), a native ofShexianCounty, Anhui Province, was a student of Jin Nong. He was the youngest among the Eight Eccentrics, but had rich knowledge and a unique painting style. He refused to serve the Qing government, led a poor life and made a living by selling his paintings. He is known for his paintings ofGhostandAlcoholic Zhong Kui.

Zheng Xie, commonly known asZheng Banqiao, was a native of Xinghua, Jiangsu Province. He was the most successful candidate in the highestimperial examinationand had served as a county magistrate in Shandong Province.

He offended the higher officials because he opened a shelter to relieve the poor, so he resigned. He then lived in Yangzhou, selling his paintings to earn a living.

He was active and creative, and accomplished a great deal in poetry, calligraphy and painting. He was good at drawing bamboo, orchids and stones, and created a new calligraphy style by combining the regular, cursive, official andsealscripts. He was deeply concerned about ordinary people's lives.

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