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3D Huangmei opera graces theaters

The production and style of this play is the first of its kind in China. [China Daily]

Audiences may have the experience of watching a 3D film such as Avatar. But wearing 3D glasses to appreciate traditional Huangmei opera will definitely be a new experience.

Niu Lang and Zhi Nv, known as Cowherd and Weaver Maid, is a famous play of Huangmei Opera. It has been turned into a 3D stage play in Anhui Provincial Huangmei Opera Theater and will meet audiences on January 19, 2011.

The actor and actresses were busy doing rehearsals for the preparation of the Huangmei 3D opera.

The production and style of this play is the first of its kind in China. During the play, audience members will feel as if they are a part of the scene.

Source: China Daily

Editor: Xu Xinlei

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