The markets for health products are in a mess. Thus Tongrentang, a famous Chinese pharmaceutical company, with its century-long history, should be responsible for the health of the public, says Hang Hong, Doctor of Medicine, the associate secretary general of China Health Care Association, the chief scientist and vice general manager of Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
As a saying goes, “Treat before getting illness.” It is more enjoyable to prevent the thousands of people from being ill than relieving the pains of the sick ones. It contributes a lot to the health from the public by taking the fine health care products with cheap prices. In this regard, Tongrentang cannot fall behind its peers.
Tongrentang, joins the fields of categorizing Chinese medical products into health care products by selling more new-type health care products with the integration of traditional technology with the modern advanced science.

Thus, it requires conscientiousness and responsibility from the corporations to produce good products to cultivate a healthy market on the one hand; on the other, the people themselves at best master some basic knowhow to recognize if the healthcare products are true or not, Doctor Zhang proposed.
First, do not believe advertisements blindly. This is a time when good medicine needs advertisement, which has to depend on the responsible media to publicize. But if the coporations focus too much on the advertisement, then they pay little attention to other aspects, since it does cost to produce this product.
Second, do have faith in the big corporations. Recent years, many traditional Chinese medical companies are now transiting to the production of health care products to some extent. We should notice that more and more companies are now depending on the advanced production and research technology, which are standard in operation and creative in thinking. Therefore they are more believable and safer for supplying the health and care products. For example, each health and care product in Tongrentang has to pass a lot of demonstrations by the experts, like research on its toxicity, including tests on human bodies. Besides, the production procedures are checked on by the stuff from BQMMB (Beijing Quality Monitoring and Management Bureau).