Proverbs and Poems
· Unpredictable Weathers (2010-04-22)
This proverb shows that the dealers in ancient times had to keep extra clothing on them to help them cope with unpredictable weathers.
· Enjoying the Peony during Grain Rain (2010-04-22)
There is asaying which goes “Three days after Grain Rain, one can enjoy peonies in the garden.”
· Grain Rain & Rain (2010-04-22)
The Grain Rain season falls on the last solar term in spring. Grain Rain, or Guyu, in Chinese loosely translates to “rain brings about the growth of hundreds of grains”.
· Grain Rain Season, Silkworm Time (2010-04-21)
“Grain Rain Season, Silkworm Time” means during the grain rain season, the farmer can continue to raise silkworms because the mulberry trees will flourish during this period, providing many leaves for the silkworms to eat.
· Grain Rain and Tea (2010-04-21)
The common saying of tea planters—“tea picked three days earlier is precious, but picked three days later it will be worthless”—is related to the tenderness of the leaves.
· The Arrival of Hundreds of Varieties of Fish (2010-04-20)
It is the unique custom of the fishermen residing along the coast of the Huanghai Sea to spend their Grain Rain season the same way they spend Spring Festival.
· Grain Rain Signifies the Departing Spring (2010-04-20)
"The arrival of Grain Rain signifies the departing spring." This means that Grain Rain is the last of the spring solar terms.
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Grain Rain Signifies the Departing Spring

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