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Moinba Ethnic Group
( 2005-10-27 )

Monyu, also called "Highland Jiangnan (the Southern Valley of the Changjiang River)," is picturesque with evergreens in all seasons. It has attracted worldwide attention because the sixth Dalai Lama, a great romantic poet, was brought up here. People say that A Collection of Love Songs by Cangyangjiaco, now translated into many languages, was born out of Moinba folksongs. His works retain many of the meters and styles of the Moinba love songs.

In Monyu, men and women are free to make friends with each other, and love songs have naturally become a link between young hearts. They have composed countless love songs all through the centuries.

Love and marriage between Moinbas are quite free, too. They marry on the basis of true love and their marriages are generally not affected by wealth or rank. An ancient custom, "Uncle on the mother's side raising hell at the wedding," still exists as part of their folkway, though no uncle today stands in the way of his niece's marriage. The uncle, putting on a peremptory yet humorous show, actually adds even more fun to the wedding ceremony.

The Moinbas enjoy toast songs, just as they enjoy love songs. The toasts are lively and amusing, and their tunes are merry and high. Likesprings, they are sung with deep feelings. Singing with a deep love for their own lives, the Moinba peopleare working together with other nationalities for an even brighter future.

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