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Heroic Epic: King Gesar of the Tibetan
( 2005-09-13 )

The State of Moin was also an enemy of the Ling state, harassing and looting Ling when it was weak. When Ling grew in strength and had subdued three demons, Sinchi, king of the State of Moin, was the only demon left. Gesar then decided to bring down Sinchi and marry his beautiful daughter, Meido Zholma. Both men suffered greatly in the fierce fight that ensued, but Gesar managed to kill Sinchi in the end.

With the four demons eliminated, the State of Ling and its neighboring states enjoyed peace and prosperity.

3. Returning to heaven

When Gesar' s uncle stole some horses from the State of Dashi, both states saw red, which forced Gesar to take on the State of Dashi. Once again, Gesar emerged triumphant and shared Dashi' s wealth among the people before returning to the State of Ling.

Having conquered Nepal, Korgas and some other small states, Chidain, king of the State of Kachi, sent his troops to invade the State of Ling. But Gesar retaliated and killed Chidain, distributing Chidain' s wealth among the people before returning to the State of Ling.

These events were followed by battles waged to defend the homeland or as an invitation by invaded neighboring states. Gesar won all of these battles and the State of Ling became very powerful.

When Gesar had completed his mission on the earth, he returned to heaven to join his mother and wife, Ngada Lhamo. And this marks the end of the great epic.

 Brief features

(1) Figures

The portrayal of characters through dialogue, actions, and plot twists is characteristic of the epic. Based on its society, the epic sums up important stages in the development of Tibetan history and captures the lives of ordinary Tibetan people as well as hundreds of important figures. Whether hero or tyrant, male or female, young or old -- the characters have made a deep impression on readers with their clearly defined features and striking images. The heroic figures, led by King Gesar, provide immortal examples of valiant sacrifices. No two figures in the epic are identical. For instance, among the heroes, King Gesar is portrayed as a leader with a broad and long-term view and a bold vision; Manager King is described as a resourceful and kind man; Gyaica is expressed through his words and deeds as a brave man of strong character; and Dainma is described as both intelligent and courageous. The female figures are portrayed more elegantly, with vivid and lively characteristics. For instance, according to "Battles Between Hor and Ling," three kings of Hor sent armed forces to seize Zholmo, the wife of King Gesar. (When the wife of Hor's King Gurdkar died, four birds from Hor were sent to find the king most beautiful woman in the world -- who just happened to be Gesar's queen.)

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