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Heroic Epic: King Gesar of the Tibetan
( 2005-09-13 )

When he was eight, the Ling tribe migrated there, as well. During a horse race for the title of king and Zhubo's hand in marriage -- the most beautiful girl of the tribe -- Gesar defeated his uncle and many tribe generals to emerge victorious.

From then on, Gesar became king of the State of Ling and was officially named the Lion King of the World Gesar Lhobo Zhadui.

2. Fighting demons

When he ascended the throne, King Gesar was confronted by an invasion launched by four vicious enemies. Here lies the major part of the epic: "Battle Between Mo and Ling," "Battle Between Hor and Ling," "Battle Between Jiang and Ling," and "Battle Between Moin and Ling."

To the north of the State of Ling was the State of Mo, ruled by King Lutsang, who ate children. One day, King Lutsang kidnapped Maisa, Gesar's second concubine.

To wipe out the demon and rescue his concubine, Gesar departed for the north. He managed to get in touch with Maisa and the two worked together to abolish King Lutsang.

Maisa, who wanted to be Gesar' s wife, managed to trick the king into drinking her magic portion. As a result, Gesar stayed in the State of Mo for 12 years. During this period, the State of Ling was invaded by the State of Hor, and Gesar' s wife, Zholmo, was kidnapped by the invaders.

The State of Hor lay to the northeast of the State of Ling and was ruled by three kings, who were brothers. Named after the tents in which they lived, they rulers were called the "Yellow Tent King," "White Tent King," who was the most powerful, and the "Black Tent King." Following the death of his wife, the White Tent King sent a parrot, magpie and crow to find him a beautiful bride. The crow reached the State of Ling and was astonished by Zholmo's beauty. Hearing about Zholmo, the White Tent King launched a war against the State of Ling. With the help of traitors from the Ling state, the powerful king seized the region and kidnapped Zholmo.

When Gesar's magic spell was finally broken, he rushed back to the State of Ling to kill the White Tent King and rescue his wife.

To the southeast of the State of Ling was the State of Jiang, ruled by King Sadain -- a very greedy sorcerer, who tried to seize the State of Ling Saltern. Gesar sent Sinba, a former general of the State of Hor, to win over Yulha Toju, the son of Sadain, while the king led his troops to guard the saltern. With help from Yulha Toju, Gesar learned everything about Sadain. When the Jiang king was drinking water one day, Gesar changed his form into that of a tiny gold fish so he could enter Sadain's stomach undetected. Gesar then transformed himself into a large wheel that turned endlessly until Sadain surrendered.

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