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Chinese Opera Artifacts from the Palace Museum Exhibited in Macao


Satin court gown embroidered with hydrangeas


Qianlong’s reign (1736–1795)

Length: 126 cm; Full length: 198.5 cm; Sleeve width: 33 cm

This gown is most suitable for presenting a woman’s graceful manner, and is usually used in imperial concubine and princess roles as formal clothing. This usage later spread to other noble women to signify their status.

Fan painted with scenes of Mount Dingjun



Late Qing Dynasty (c. mid-19th–early 20th century)

Fan, color on silk, paper

31 x 50 cm

The fan has a silk covering in the front, depicting the scene in Mount Ding Jun where the two armies exchange prisoners of war. The painting recounts the story from scene to scene, and chronologically from right to left. Mount Ding Jun is about how Zhuge Liang (181 – 234), a well-known commander, employed military strategy. He was known for his masterly goading of enemy troops into action.

Fourth Son Visits Mother by Tan Xinpei (record)


Early 20th Century

Diameter: 29 cm

Recorded in the early Republican years by EMI, on both sides.

Edited by Dong Jirong

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