Hu Xinmeng
Hu Xinmeng:senior public-relations executive
What are you reading?
A few books on parenting, health, philosophy and history, including Only Doctors Know, Sofies Verden and Baby Book.
Do you prefer paper books or e-books?
Paper books. I like the feel of paper and love beautiful book-marks, plus they don't need a battery and can be read anywhere.
Who is your favorite writer this year?
Zhang Yu, author of Only Doctors Know, who is a gynecologist at Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Her writing may not be the best, but the book content is awe-some and of great value.
How much time do you spend reading every day, every week?
I'm a new mother and only man-age to read about one to two hours per week.
Do you bring a book when you travel?
No. While traveling, I tend to read magazines and newspapers.
If you had a free evening, would you read a book, or watch a movie or TV?
While at home, I devote most of my time to the baby. But on a business trip, I certainly will watch news or afilmon TV.