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Top 10 China entertainment news in 2013

2014-01-07 14:54:32



7: Cantonese opera guru dies

Cantonese opera legend Hung Sin-nui died at the age of 89 in Guangzhou on Dec. 8 after suffering a heart attack.

Hung, whose real name was Kuang Jianlian, was born into a wealthy family in Kaiping, Guangdong Province, on Dec. 27, 1924, and began studying Cantonese opera when she was 14.

Famous for her smooth "Hung tone," which incorporated techniques from Peking, Kun and Western opera styles, Hung acted in more than 70 films and 200 Cantonese operas.

Key political and entertainment figures gathered in Guangzhou bid farewell to the opera guru, while President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang sent their condolences and flowers.

Hung's death also raised the question of who will carry on the dying art of Cantonese opera.

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