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Final of 1st World Youth Amateur Online Weiqi Tournament held in Hubei

WACCCE 2021-05-18

The second final of the 1st CCTV World Youth Amateur Online Weiqi Tournament was successfully held in Chibi City, Central China's Hubei province, on April 18. The contest was conducted at the Tea Road Cultural Expo Center in Sheep House Carve Heritage Town. The Chinese player in the youth group won the championship with a 2-0 victory over Singapore players.

The CCTV sports channel broadcast the games live for two days in a row, presenting the charm of the ancient town to audiences at home and abroad.

Zhang Bin, the famous CCTV sports channel host, served as the host of this live broadcast, and communicated with Ju Ping, Nie Weiping and other celebrities, to integrate the culture of Chinese and foreign chess games. In addition to the competition, Nie Weiping and other Weiqi celebrities also set foot on the stone road preserved from the Ming and Qing dynasties to experience the unique tea fragrance of the origin of the Tea Road. Entrepreneurial Weiqi fans from all over the country gathered at the Green Brick Tea Museum to compete and exchange ideas.

After the race, the contestants visited the beautiful and magnificent tea garden in Chibi City. In the Zhuo'er Tea Garden, participants breathed air full of negative oxygen ions, enjoyed the ecology of the tea garden and experienced the work of the tea growers.

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