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《长河系列之三――巡礼》 郭连训
The Third of the Long River Series-A Pilgrimage Guo Lianxun (b. 1952) Guo Lianxun is an associate professor at the vocational school of arts and design of the China Academy of Fine Arts. He was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province, and graduated from Qingdao Education College.
Exhibitions: His paintings have been displayed in the seventh National Fine Arts Exhibition, the China Watercolor Exhibition for Young Painters; the third National Watercolor and Pastel Painting Exhibition; and the Hong Kong International Watercolor Exhibition. He also held a solo exhibition in Manchester, England.
His publications include “Watercolor Fundamentals” and “Watercolor Album.”
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《海鲜码头》 陈希旦
Seafood Dock Chen Xidan (b. 1936)
Chen Xidan is a native of Shanghai. In 1979, he helped set up the Shanghai Watercolor Research Society and served as the group’s deputy director and arts advisor. He was a judge at the China Watercolor exhibitions of 1990 and 1991. In 1999, he helped establish the Shenzhen Watercolor Society and was named its director.
Exhibitions: His painting “Oyster-growing Family” was displayed in the fifth National Watercolor and Pastel Painting Exhibition. He held a solo exhibition in Shenzhen in November 2001.
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Warm Winter Chen Xiguang (b. 1941)
Chen Xiguang studied at the Luxun Fine Arts Academy from 1959 to 1964, and is currently a member of the Chinese Watercolor Painters Association, dean of the department of arts and design of Wanli College, Zhejiang Province, and director of the Jilin Watercolor Society. He was granted a special allowance by the State Council in 1992. Chen was born in Jilin Province.
Exhibitions: His paintings have appeared in numerous national exhibitions. He has published articles in several academic journals including “Fine Arts.” In addition, he has lectured and held solo exhibitions in the United States and Japan.