


导 演:金琛

摄 影:黄炼

主 演:吴越、陈建斌

 西安电影制片厂 2000年 摄制

中外文化交流中心 译制

Love Story

Ma Jianxin, a railroad worker, is a rather withdrawn and reticent person. He gets acquainted with his teacher Miss Li Weihua at a literary class and finds that they have similar purpose and interests. After the short period of study, the two are deeply in love. Unfortunately Weihua has serious congenital heart disease, which means that if they get married, they can`t have a sexual life. Despite of this helpless situation, the couple still love and support each other. They are determined to go ahead.

Duration: 92 minutes

Director: Jin Chen

Director of Photography: Huang Lian

Starring: Wu Yue, Chen Jiahbin

Produced by: Xi`an Film Studio in 2000

Subtitled by: Center of International Cultural Exchange

中文 英语 法语 西班牙语 阿拉伯语 俄语  德语 意大利语 日语 葡萄牙语
