March 27, 2025

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  Library>China ABC>Economy>Introduction
China's Economic Zone and STIPs


Geographic Distribution of China's Economic Zone

Based on many investigations and studies as well as many experts’ advice, China’s State Planning Commission has found a scientific and reasonable method to divide the country’s economic zone.

The first zone is the Northeast Economic Zone, made up of Heilongjiang,Jilin, andLiaoning provinces as well as the eastern part of theInner MongoliaAutonomous Region (AR), respectively in the northernmost, central, southern, and westernmost parts of Northeast (NE) China.

With rich resources and a fertile ground, this area will be built into China’s biggest heavy industry base as well as an important base for agriculture, forestry, and stockbreeding.

The second zone is China's Bohai Sea Economic Zone, made up of the municipalities ofBeijingandTianjinand the provinces of Hebei and Shandong, which are all in North China, except for Shandong (East China).

This region, with an abundance of many talented people and superior equipment, is China's heart.

With such an advantageous condition, the coastal cities in Shandong and Hebei will become important bases for cotton production, seawater fishing, and cultivation.

The third zone is theYangtze RiverDelta (YRD) Economic Zone, which includesShanghaiMunicipality, and Jiangsu andZhejiang provinces, all in East China.

The YDR region's economic strength is powerful, its industrial foundation is solid, and the regional industrial system is complete and forceful. Moreover, China's biggest port group is located here and can serve as the best platform for the global shipping industry.

Nowadays, all the cities within the YDR region are taking actions to build the platform, especially the manufacturing industry, which brings good opportunities to the region's promotion and resource integration, while also helping the region play the leading role in the Chinese economy.

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