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A Brief Introduction to Acrobatic Items


Tightrope Feats

Known as "Rope-Walking" or "Walking on a rope" in ancient China, it is a traditional number recorded with vivid portrayal in the Han Dynasty two thousand years ago. Walking on a wire instead of a rope is a renovation imparting new vigor and skills.

The acrobat uses somersault dexterity that is a basic acrobatic skill to perform such difficult feats as cartwheel, forward and backward somersault, etc. On a trembling wire thus the performance on a tight-wire has been elevated to a new level.

Pole Climbing

Pole Climbing is one of the main traditional acrobatic numbers in China, vivid description appeared in drawings more than 1,000 years ago.On the basis of Pole Climbing, new acrobaticmovements such as jumping from one pole to the other, swift descent and many others are added. It demonstrates resourcefulness, courage and optimism, and brings the art of pole climbing to a new high level.

Plate Spinning

It is also called Juggling Flowery Plates. In the performance, the acrobat holds with both hands two to three thin poles with a plate on the end of each pole, and makes the plates spin rapidly by dint of the brawn. The acrobat is required to perform difficult feats such as flips, carrying swords on the back, holding a flower in the mouth and handstand on a single arm, while ensuring the plates not to fall. Acrobats with high technique can spin about ten plates at the same time.
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