Balancing Objects
It is an item of feat in acrobatics. The performer balances a cudgel on the head, the forehead or the nose, or holds it in the mouth and put fragile or heavy objects like lamp, vase, desk, bowl or egg, etc on one end of the cudgel to show his/her feat in balancing objects. In some complicated performances, several layers of glasses, lamps or eggs are placed on the cudgel. Some acrobats demonstrate their sleight of hands or play musical instruments while performing the balancing feat.
Circus is an ancient feat of acrobatics. In the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, circus was very prevalent, and specially referred to taming horses and performance of horsemanship. Today, circus is the collective name of the taming all kinds of animals and acrobatic performances. It usually includes the horsemanship and the performance of various animals that have been trained. Circus generally is held in a square, a specially built circus ground, or a big tent.