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King Gesar - A Tibetan heroic epic


** Coincidence

Having examined the rock and the Sutra Hall of King Gesar, researchers have re-assessed the earlier scholarly works by Ren Naiqiang and Somba Yexei Banjor, whose speculations about Gesar's birthplace coincide with Bagyia's tales.

In this famous scholar's view, Gesar was a real person who lived in the Ling area of Kham.

"His birthplace lies in Lhagyixiong, where the three rivers - Yellow, Lancang River and Jinsha River - meet," said Somba Yexei Banjor. "It was to the left of the Dege Castle ... with a mirror-like lake. In the area is a square-shaped rocky mountain. In the center is a lawn where the parents of Gesar put up a tent."

The place was called "Ghinyi Maguanqi, according to Somba Yexei Banjor.

Ren Naiqiang is an accomplished Tibetologist and an expert in the study ofKing Gesar. His 1929 survey of the Kham area suggested that the present-day region under Headman Ling Cang in the Yarlung River Valley was called Xiongba.

"Gesar was born in the Chacha Temple," Ren wrote. "After his birth, grass and flowers thrived in the area all year round. The temple houses Gesar's weapons and an ivory seal but some of his belongings were moved by a magician lama to Xiangdana, located in Xiangqian County in Qinghai Province."

Li Ming, another scholar, lived in the Kham region for years. In 1942, he completed a survey in Dege and later studied Buddhist doctrines in a Zuqing Temple in the area.

"Gesar was born in an area east of Shiqu on the western banks of the Yarlung River. It was called Xiongba and was still under the jurisdiction of Headman Ling Cang who built the temple for his family," said Li, who also substantiates views by other scholars about a temple housing Gesar's weapons and an ivory seal, as well as Gesar's belongings being moved to Xiangdana by a lama with magic powers.

** Royal relics

In Tibetan, "Dege" means "a kind area." The region is full of cultural relics that legends say belonged to King Gesar.

Rocks prints: About two kilometers away from the Sutra Hall of King Gesar is a large rock with an imprint of the bottom half of a boy. Legend has it that Gesar, who possessed magical powers, conquered three demon birds when he was only three years old.

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