March 27, 2025

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Tianjin Shidiao


TianjinShidiaois a unique local art genre in Tianjin and has been popular in the lowest social stratum of the city since the late Ming Dynasty and early Republic (early 20thcentury). At that time, TianjinShidiaowas mainly sung by boatmen, porters and jinrick-shaw drivers. It was originated fromShidiaoXiaoquof the Ming and Qing dynasties and also had close relation with many folk tunes in other places.

The majority of TianjinShidiaoare sung by one performer, major accompanying instruments areDasanxian(a three-stringed instrument),Sihu(traditional Chinese four-stringed fiddle) andJieziban(plates that can beat time) and lyrics are mainly seven-character lines. The art is performed in Tianjin dialect and is full of local flavor. Traditional items of TianjinShidiaoreflect daily life of Tianjin people and most of them are short in length. At the first beginning, TianjinShidiaowas performing activity of people after laboring. After the 1920s, professional performers came into being and they often sang items that reflect current affairs.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, famous artist Wang Yubao and stringed instrument player Qi Fengming began to reformKaoshandiao, adjusting its aria and rhythm, and formally named it to TianjinShidiao

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