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China, US to stage arts and crafts shows

2013-07-26 17:32:31



An arts and crafts visual exhibition signing ceremony, aimed at helping Chinese arts and crafts spread, was held in Beijing on July 18. Six exhibits are planned in the US and China over three years. The exhibits are designed to introduce Chinese culture to the world and help Chinese arts and crafts enter the world art and capital market.

The exhibition is co-hosted by the Center for International Cultural Exchange, Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute, Beijing Gongmei Group and Sino-US Science and Technology and Cultural Foundation of Cooperation. The shows are set for December 2013 to November 2016. The exhibition has several themes and will be staged in Chinese and US museums. At the same time, organizers will raise capital and establish cultural exchanges.

Deputy Director of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations Ministry of China Zhao Haisheng believes that the cultural exchange promotion program will combine Chinese traditional arts and crafts with contemporary cultural concepts and allow it to enter people’s lives and the international cultural products market. These moves will help more people know and love Chinese traditional arts and crafts.


