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Beijing People's Art Theatre Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Small-theatre Dramas



The new works of notable director Lin Zhaohua "The Song of Swan" and "On tobacco toxicity" debut on September 19 in Beijing People's Art Experimental Theatre. The 30th anniversary of Beijing People's Art Theatre's small-theatre dramas celebration was opened since then. Before the performance, Zhang Heping, president of Beijing People's Art Theatre awarded Lin Zhaohua " the originator of Chinese small-theatre dramas". On September 19, 1982, Absolute Signal directed by Lin Zhaohua hit the rehearsal studio of Beijing People's Art Theatre, and soon made a splash. This drama symbolized the birth of Chinese small-theatre dramas eventually. After 30 years, Lin Zhaohua, at the age of 76, is still active on the frontier of small-theatre dramas. The two dramas are both Chekhov's works, and won overwhelming applauds from the audience thanks to the great performance of Pu Cunxin and He Bing.



