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Goings-on in China: Lost in Love


In a recent episode, Xing Xing(middle) faced a sensitive and difficult question as two more men approached her.

A girl on a Chinese TV dating show sparked a national debate about love and its standards as she turned down the attention of two eligible bachelors.

Xing Xing, one of the 24 female contestants in the program If You Are The One hosted by Jiangsu Television Station, stands out among other contestants in part for her beauty and charisma. A young model and associate director of an investment company, the girl has captured many hearts, lured them to the show and emboldened them to express their admiration for her.

Sadly, their efforts have all been futile. The girl has appeared on the show for over thirty sessions and risen to stardom, while attracting both acclaim and criticism for her “pursuit of simple love”.

“I want to find a man who can love me ardently in my lifetime. I hope he can even lose face for himself,” she said.

In a recent episode, she faced a sensitive and difficult question as two more men approached her. One was an honest entrepreneur An Yang, a man from Shandong Province who built up his business on the basis of hard work and some luck. His Canadian rival Bai Shanshan, versed in the Chinese culture, started his clothing business in China and spoke fluent Chinese.

They moved the girl to tears and she appeared to be torn between the two male candidates. However, they both failed despite their heartfelt profession and carefully designed plots. The Canadian candidate even brought his family as a showcase of family cohesion, which the single-parent girl had long demanded.

She rejected An’s romantic advances for the reason of “lack of understanding”, and refused the Canadian’s offer for his age and nationality.

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