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Samoa celebrates Pavilion Day

Samoa's Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi addresses the ceremony.

State Forestry Administration head Jia Zhibang addresses the ceremony.

Samoa celebrated its National Pavilion Day yesterday.

Samoa Pavilion is inside the Pacific Pavilion in Zone B.

The 8,100-square-meter Pacific Pavilion is themed "Pacific - An Inspiration to Cities."


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Editors' Picks

A week featuring Japan's Nara Prefecture kicked off at the Japan Pavilion on July 23 with a stage drama depicting a Japanese envoy to ancient China's Tang Dynasty (618-907).

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The World Expo is a large-scale, global, non-commercial Expo. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee.

The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Hai Bao, which means the treasure of the sea.

The emblem, depicting the image of three people-you, me, him/her holding hands together, symbolizes the big family of mankind.

The theme of Expo 2010 is "Better City, Better Life," representing the common wish of the whole humankind for a better living in future urban environments.


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