The Mongolian Etiquette  


"Sain bainuu?" which is equivalent to "How are you?" is the most common Mongolian greeting. The expected answer is "Sain," which means "Fine."

A negative answer is considered impolite. Only later in the conversation may one's problems be mentioned. Mongolians try to avoid unpleasant conversational topics in general, though if unavoidable, it's important to address them as tactfully as possible.

In the countryside, greetings often concern country life and suit the season: "Are you wintering well?", "Are you spending this spring in peace?", "Are your sheep grazing in peace?", "Are your sheep fattening well?" etc. The word "peace" comes up often since in Mongolia the concept is equivalent to happiness.

One must also remember to use the correct form of address depending on the person's age or position. For example, the respectful "-guay" suffix should be added to the name of an elderly person.

Good wishes

In villages, it's common to wish someone well upon finding them at work or play. For example, if they're milking a cow, one would say: "May your bucket be full of milk." If they're beating wool, one would say: "May your wool be as soft as silk." If they're playing a game, it's common to wish that everyone win, to which they respond: "May it be as you say."

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